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Aviation is the practical aspect or art of aeronautics, being the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word "aviation" was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb "avier" (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word "avis" ("bird") and the suffix "-ation".
SPIEGEL ONLINE - Flying Green: Aviation Industry Harnesses Algae for Biofuel - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
There are plans within the aviation industry to replace kerosene with biofuel derived from algae. The new fuel comes with a surprising benefit: Planes will be able to fly farther on the same amount of fuel.
Avionics - Avionics - NextGen, Connectivity and Technical Aviation Intelligence NextGen, Connectivity and Technical Aviation Intelligence
www.greenaironline.com - GreenAir - Reporting on aviation and the environment GreenAir Online reports on environmental and green issues concerning aviation, aerospace, airlines, airports, travel and tourism
aviationweek - Space Whether it’s the latest technological innovations or authoritative in-depth news and analysis, Aviation Week explores space with more experienced insight than any other media.
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