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Public Health

Deaths in police custody in the United States: Research review


The deaths of black men at the hands of white police officers in recent years have raised a number of questions about the treatment of racial minorities within the criminal justice system, as well as about patterns of arrest-related deaths more generally. Some researchers have called for Congressional-mandated government databases to be more thorough so they can better find patterns in the violent interactions between police and civilians.

How education interruptions can hurt student achievement


As of May 15, 48 states, four U.S. territories and the District of Columbia had ordered or recommended that school buildings be closed for the rest of the academic year, according to Education Week. Shutdowns in the wake of COVID-19 have affected at least 124,000 public and private schools and 55.1 million students, the outlet reported.

Digital contact tracing and the coronavirus pandemic: 5 studies to know


Until there’s a vaccine for the new coronavirus, infectious disease professionals point to digital contact tracing as a key way for authorities to safely lift lockdowns and begin cauterizing the economic, mental health and other personal trauma the pandemic is inflicting on millions of people worldwide.

Social distancing time frames: How our expectations affect compliance


In a new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper, researchers surveyed nearly 900 Italian residents to explore what happens when expectations are shattered about how long social distancing measures, like self-isolation, would last. Participants were less willing to do more self-isolating when told that social distancing time frames would run much longer or shorter than they anticipated.