Your Thoughts Matter


Republican War Against The DOJ

The Republicans do not trust DOJ, FBI, on The Mueller investigation. They do trust POTUS notwithstanding bankruptcies, fraud settlements, admitted sexual assaults, the litany of lies about everything from attacks on Americans to approval ratings.

Attempts to save Trump in the Russia probe to poll numbers indicating GOP voters would, indeed, support him even if he shot somebody, the party implicitly insists this self-interested individual is a good man.

Appointing federal judges and U.S. attorneys: An explainer


When the president mulls filling a Supreme Court seat, the whole country watches. When he appoints a federal judge, few take notice. There are, after all, hundreds of federal judges. Yet these appointments, too, are for life. And because the judges wield significant power, they are at the core of a president’s legacy. In this explainer, we discuss how the federal courts work, their mandates, and how judges are appointed.