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Bribes, lobbying and development


It is a commonplace that bribery seems rife in the developing world. In richer countries, however, legal lobbying is the preferred method of operation for those trying to overcome rules. As a country’s industry advances, the preferred mode of transaction might naturally switch to lobbying. So why does corruption seem more stubbornly persistent in the developing world, despite economic progress?

Weapon of the strong? Participatory inequality and the Internet


From fundraising and campaigning to organization and voter recruitment, the Internet has changed electoral politics in America. Because of the Web’s inherently open nature, it was thought that its use would reduce the socioeconomic inequality in U.S. politics, where more affluent citizens and groups often have higher participation rates and thereby exert greater power.

Federal report: Prescription drug abuse, 2011


According to U.S. government research on drug abuse, the number of people seeking treatment for painkiller addiction increased 400% from 1998 to 2008, and fatalities from prescription and illegal drug abuse now outnumber vehicle-related deaths in 17 states. Increases in certain crimes are also linked with prescription drug abuse, including theft, home invasions and assaults.