Your Thoughts Matter


Californians eat healthier when living near large immigrant populations


Native-born Americans who live in Los Angeles County neighborhoods with a higher proportion of immigrants tend to eat less fast food and more fruits and vegetables than those who live in local neighborhoods with a lower proportion of immigrants, new research finds. They also have lower body mass indices and rates of hypertension.

Can medical marijuana really play a role in easing the opioid epidemic?


A recent study challenges the role that legalizing medical marijuana might play in easing the opioid epidemic.

The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in June 2019, indicates that a previously reported relationship between medical marijuana laws and declining opioid overdose deaths has not held up over time.

Transit and social media connections in New York City


There’s a phenomenon economists call “agglomeration economies,” where a collection of companies become more efficient by being close to one another. The idea holds for people, too. When people cluster in dense places like cities, they share insights and resources. Strong social connections make for good economics.