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Public Health

Population of bed bugs reveals mechanisms of resistance


Over the past decade, many U.S. cities have seen a new rise in infestations of the common bed bug — known scientifically as Cimex lectularius — in residences, hotel facilities and elsewhere. The phenomenon has had significant social and health consequences in densely populated cities such as New York, and the topic has seen extensive news coverage.

The effects of job strain and insecurity on women’s cardiovascular health


Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) has long been connected with high-stress jobs or situations. However, such problems have been largely associated with men. The increasing number of women working in high-level positions has not only changed the demographics of the U.S. workforce but also appears to be changing the health of segments of the female population.

Incidence of serious injuries due to physical abuse in the United States, 1997 to 2009


Studies have shown that child abuse can have long-term effects on both victims and society. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, such experiences can be associated with negative psychological and behavioral consequences for the victim well into adult life. Societal consequences include the costs associated with the child welfare and criminal justice systems, as well as the indirect costs associated with a loss of productivity due to underemployment.