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Census Bureau: Minorities in U.S. growing toward a majority


The United States reached a demographic milestone in July 2011, when for the first time the majority of new members of society — children under age 1 — were non-white. This emerging “majority-minority” population constituted 50.4% of babies born in American society during that period; this figure stood at 49% just a year prior. In total, 36.6% of the U.S. population were minorities in 2011 — some 114 million people — up from 36.1% in 2010.

State and local immigration enforcement in the United States


Section 287(g) of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, enacted in 1996, authorizes the federal government to work with state and local law-enforcement agencies to enforce national immigration laws. This can include screening detainees for immigration status and transferring potential deportees to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement custody.

Survey of youth in residential placement: Needs and services


The early lives of youth in custody in the United States are often marked by experiences with trauma, substance abuse and mental health problems. From detention and correction facilities to camps and community-based programs, the institutions that deal with such youth must address a wide variety of underlying health and wellness issues in order to help rehabilitate and properly serve them.