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Social Media

What's the best length for online news videos? Recent research


For many news organizations, a common approach to producing online video is that shorter is better. There is no industry standard for how to create news videos that are guaranteed to grab viewers’ attention and keep an audience glued to a website. Media leaders have been experimenting with video for years, trying to figure out what viewers like and want while also trying to understand the success of videos posted on YouTube and other video-sharing platforms.

Small worlds and the clash of civilizations: New data on the dimensions of a globalized world


Since the end of the Cold War and the rise of global communications networks, there has been an ongoing debate about the “flattening” of world markets and cultures and the degree to which integration among nations may or may not accelerate.

Questioning the network: The year in digital media research, 2012-13


As part of our ongoing collaboration with Nieman Journalism Lab, we’ve rounded up the latest in digital- and media-oriented scholarship — picking highlights from disciplines such as computer science, political science, journalism research and communications. (Note: this article was first published at Nieman Lab, and is now archived here in full.)