Your Thoughts Matter


Maternal education: A matter of life and death for infants?


Infants whose mothers received less than 12 years of education are, in some states, more than twice as likely to die as those born to college educated mothers, a new study finds.

The issue: Education provides tangible benefits, including employment opportunities and knowledge that can improve both the quality and duration of one’s life. But these effects extend beyond just the direct recipients of an education — children also benefit from their parents’ schooling.

Minority teachers: How students benefit from having teachers of same race


As the United States becomes more racially and ethnically diverse, education leaders are pushing for greater diversity among public school teachers. A growing body of research suggests children benefit in many ways from having a teacher of the same race or ethnicity. Published studies, for example, suggest black students do better in reading and math and are less likely to be suspended from school when they have black teachers.

Childhood self-control predicts health, wealth and public safety


As parents and policy-makers look for insights into how to best prepare children for the future, research is focusing on the long-term implications of early development and behavioral patterns. One key factor is children’s degree of self-control, which includes attributes such as the ability to delay gratification, conscientiousness and willpower.