Your Thoughts Matter


What should I be following to keep up with technology and news media issues? 10 suggested sources


Trying to stay informed about the flurry of changes and shifts within the news media business is no easy task. From the decline in advertising and shifts in ad tech to new digital-ethical puzzles and social media strategies, there are many emerging topics — and many outlets and voices, both new and old, digging into the latest trends.

Journalism education reform trends, ideas and research: Roundup of recent news, publications


Curated below are some relatively recent research-based reports, studies, papers and essays, as well as forthcoming projects, that may provide useful perspective for journalism educators. It’s tough to keep up with everything, and so we’ve gone back over the past year or so and spotlighted some interesting arguments and insights about the discipline and industry.

State of the free press: Research chat with media law expert Lucy Dalglish


Lucy Dalglish is the Dean of Phillip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. She is a leading expert in media law, having served as executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press from 2000 to 2012. She has also been an editor and reporter.