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Religious beliefs, contact with gays and lesbians and opinions on same-sex marriage


Some of the strongest opposition to same-sex marriage is generated by religious groups and leaders. Simultaneously, many opinion polls and studies have shown that close personal contact with homosexuals is associated with an increased likelihood of support for same-sex marriage. So how much can contact with gay persons affect the views of religious individuals?

Pew Research: Gun rights, abortion, gay marriage views over time


Social issues — and the associated “culture war” in America — continue to play prominent roles in politics. There is an ingrained notion of a static political standoff: To many, the country seems split into two camps that have stubbornly dug in on issues. But survey data suggests that public support for some social issues has fluctuated significantly over recent history.

Overcoming negative media coverage: Does government communication matter?


Building trust with the public is of primary concern for government institutions. However, few empirical studies have sought to quantify the impacts of communication activities by government in fostering or maintaining this trust. Government bodies can choose to spend communications budgets on a variety of separate activities, and understanding which activities lead to positive press on real achievements is critical, particularly in austere times.