Your Thoughts Matter


Number of U.S. felons tripled in three decades


A growing share of Americans have felony records, according to data recently published in the journal Demography. Among African Americans, the ratio is much higher: Approximately 33 percent of African-American men have been convicted of a felony. The findings raise questions about the criminal justice system amid a “historic increase in criminal punishment,” the authors say.

28% of Swiss dentists recommend unnecessary fillings


When it comes to your health, your doctor usually has an information advantage. She knows about treatment options, which options are appropriate and what those treatments cost. You rely on her to make recommendations. Even after treatment, you may not know if the course of action was the best available, how well it worked, or if the cost was justified.

Researchers in Switzerland found that a significant number of local dentists abuse this relationship.

Income inequality and offshore tax dodging: The rich are richer than we thought


It’s difficult to assess the net worth of the world’s super-rich. Havens like the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and Hong Kong are happy to stash their cash, offering privacy and a shelter (often perfectly legal) from taxes. And without knowing how rich the rich are, we can’t make an accurate assessment of income inequality.