Your Thoughts Matter


If money doesn't make you happy, then you probably aren't spending it right


Scholars at the University of Virginia, University of British Columbia and Harvard University sought to make sense of a seeming contradiction in the way some people relate to money: “When asked to take stock of their lives, people with more money report being a good deal more satisfied. But when asked how happy they are at the moment, people with more money are barely different than those with less.”

Associations between physician characteristics and quality of care


When choosing a doctor, patients are rarely afforded the opportunity to view the doctor’s records of performance over his or her clinical history. Rather, they make decisions based on the information that is available to them, such as education, gender, nationality, publicly available malpractice history, or board certification.

Importance of the individual insurance mandate: Evidence from Massachusetts


The 2010 U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act bears a number of similarities to the Massachusetts health care reform enacted four years earlier. Among them is a requirement that individuals buy insurance coverage or pay a fine, sometimes referred to as an “individual mandate.”