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Consumer gadgets wipe out gains in energy efficiency


The time when heavy appliances dominated home energy use seems almost as remote as the era of gaslights and streetcars. Today our homes’ electric outlets have never been more sought after — computers, printers, modems, set-top boxes, and endless chargers all clamor for power — leaving refrigerators and washers as small players in the utility bill we receive.

The Impact of bisphenol A and triclosan on immune systems in the U.S. population


The compound triclosan was introduced in the 1980s as an antibacterial surgical scrub in hospitals. In recent years, however, it has been used in a wide variety of household products, including shaving cream, deodorant, skin-care treatments, toothpaste and especially antibacterial soaps. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a compound used in many plastics, including protective linings found in food cans.