Your Thoughts Matter


Overcoming negative media coverage: Does government communication matter?


Building trust with the public is of primary concern for government institutions. However, few empirical studies have sought to quantify the impacts of communication activities by government in fostering or maintaining this trust. Government bodies can choose to spend communications budgets on a variety of separate activities, and understanding which activities lead to positive press on real achievements is critical, particularly in austere times.

What really determines whether a manufacturing firm locates and remains in California


Manufacturing plays a big role in California’s economy. About 10% of residents are employed in manufacturing, which generates $150 billion in value, and the jobs pay well: In 2004 the average income earned in manufacturing was $57,000, 54% more than the state’s median income.

Cultural attractions, human capital and economic growth


The number of well-educated residents that areas draw can have a bearing on economic vitality, and yet local and regional planners must consider how far they should go in appealing to residents who will bring such “human capital.” One outstanding question remains precisely how cultural amenities such as museums and theaters translate into value beyond aesthetic enjoyment.

Collective efficacy and major depression in urban neighborhoods


While depression is often linked with physiological factors, the larger human environment appears to contribute to and worsen existing depression. The degree to which this is true, however, and how much impact public health and safety efforts might help mitigate depression in the populace, is less certain.

The relationship of leadership quality to the political presence of civic associations


Civic associations can enhance democracy in many ways. They can afford a voice to otherwise marginalized groups and promote direct citizen participation; they can also provide forums for public debate and create space for citizens to practice civic skills. Past research has suggested that their effectiveness in performing these vital functions is largely a product of resources and context.