Your Thoughts Matter


Same-sex unions and gay marriage: Revisiting anti-gay sentiment and population figures


On Oct. 6, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand rulings at three Federal appeals courts, clearing the way for same-sex marriages in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin, bringing the total of U.S. states permitting such unions to 24, in addition to the District of Columbia.

The impact of race and interpersonal dominance on perceptions of female leaders


Leadership is never easy, and women in positions of power have the added challenge of balancing “dominant” and “communal” management styles. A 2012 study by scholars at Northwestern University and Duke University explores how race can further complicate the issue.

Longitudinal gender and age bias in a prominent amateur new media community


Despite early hopes that the Internet would foster communities based on common interests regardless of race, age or gender, studies have found that many offline sociological patterns are typically replicated in online spaces. However, few studies have tracked these behaviors at the level of the individual user.