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News Media

Covering Alex Jones: Tips for reporting on "de-platformed" public figures


InfoWars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones made headlines recently when technology companies, including Facebook and YouTube, decided to remove his content from their online platforms.

These platforms deemed Jones in violation of their policies, such as community standards that prohibit content that glorifies violence.

Irony of satire: Political ideology and the motivation to see what you want to see in The Colbert Report


Political humor has a long tradition in America, but ironical “fake news” is a phenomenon that distinguishes the current cultural moment. Indeed, in recent years a whole body of scholarly literature has focused on this field of political entertainment and its effects. A 2011 study from scholars at Ohio State University adds to this literature by examining how precisely such satire registers differently among liberals and conservatives — how humor is filtered through certain predispositions.

6 studies on digital news and social media you should know about


It’s difficult to choose which research articles to spotlight here as the most interesting or compelling — because scholars are doing so much interesting and compelling work. They’re continually asking tough questions to try to understand problems and trends within the digital news/social media space.