Your Thoughts Matter


How to find an expert and tap research networks on deadline: Tips on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search


It’s a dilemma that almost every general-assignment reporter, producer or editor faces: A new, complex topic and a fast-approaching deadline. As specialty beats are cut back, it’s a situation that is more and more common in newsrooms today.

Using Python to scrape a website and gather data: Practicing on a criminal justice dataset


Data can make a story. It can be the backbone of an investigation, and it can lead to new insights and new ways of thinking. Unfortunately, the data you want isn’t always readily available. It’s often on the web, but it isn’t always packaged up and available for download. In cases like these, you might want to leverage a technique called web scraping to programmatically gather the data for you.

Guide to critical thinking, research, data and theory: Overview for journalists


Journalists constantly face the challenge of explaining why things happened: What were the factors in an election victory? What are the reasons behind housing segregation in a city? What is the explanation for a low-performing school? In daily journalism, we are often content to quote relevant sources or officials, and let them do the “explaining.”