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News Media

What's new in digital and social media research, April 2014: Facebook rumor cascades, online comments, collaborative news clips, more


While high-level speculation continues on the future of news and information, research studies are providing a more under-the-hood look at the practices of journalists, outlets, and the digital networks in which they operate. Here’s a recent sampling from the world of academic journals and conferences.

Politicized places: When immigrants provoke opposition


Many take for granted the idea that, in all cases, an influx of new immigrants to an area will appear threatening to established residents and such close contact helps explain racial tensions. Though this notion of “racial threat” helped explained previous chapters in American history, it remains an open question whether or not this theory applies to newer situations, with other ethnic dynamics. The most salient such situation now in American life relates to the movement of Latinos into many new areas.

Overcoming negative media coverage: Does government communication matter?


Building trust with the public is of primary concern for government institutions. However, few empirical studies have sought to quantify the impacts of communication activities by government in fostering or maintaining this trust. Government bodies can choose to spend communications budgets on a variety of separate activities, and understanding which activities lead to positive press on real achievements is critical, particularly in austere times.