Your Thoughts Matter

News Media

From incivility to outrage: Political discourse in blogs, talk radio and cable news


In the era of the 24-hour news cycle, cable TV, talk radio and blogs often use sensational and controversial tactics in the fierce battle for audiences. Such widespread incivility in public discourse is seen by some as potentially damaging American democracy — from eroding trust in government to decreasing voter turnout — but research has produced mixed findings.

Equal opportunity objectification? The sexualization of men and women on the cover of Rolling Stone


The images of barely clad men and women that adorn magazine covers, posters, billboards and media of all kinds have been a standard feature of popular culture for decades. Critics often condemn the apparent ever-increasing sexualization of advertisements and mass media. Yet, from a quantitative standpoint, it is not precisely clear how much of an escalation there has been, if any, in the use of sexuality in popular culture and marketing.